
How IMC adds value

As one of the world’s leading market makers, IMC makes a deep contribution to the global financial ecosystem.

How IMC adds value
Since 1989, IMCers have played a crucial economic role by helping to keep the financial markets liquid. But, as one of the world’s leading market makers, IMC makes an even deeper contribution to the global financial ecosystem.

Financial markets are a vital cog in the global economy, giving companies access to the capital they need to grow, among countless other benefits. But while it’s sometimes believed that markets are self-sufficient, simply matching up buyers with sellers, in reality there’s a lot more to it than that. That’s because financial markets require a continuous supply of liquidity to operate safely and efficiently – particularly those that traditionally experience limited liquidity during periods of volatility.

Keeping things moving, whatever the circumstances

This is where market makers like IMC add value. By committing to continuously quoting prices at which they’ll buy and sell securities, market makers provide the backbone of financial markets. Without this liquidity, market participants would struggle to enter or exit positions freely – costing them additional time and money and potentially exposing them to unacceptable levels of risk.

As an established market maker, IMC delivers real, measurable benefits to investors around the world by providing continuous liquidity at competitive prices – whatever the circumstances. By providing this vital service, we help to keep markets stable and efficient, while ensuring they remain accessible and affordable to all participants, from small retail investors to major financial institutions.

Active role in the industry

Our vital contribution to the financial markets dates back more than three decades. And it's one that's well recognized by regulators and governments around the globe, as well as through our contractual obligations with numerous exchanges worldwide. Away from the day-to-day business of providing liquidity, IMC plays an active role as a discussion partner with regulators and exchanges to ensure that financial markets operate fairly and transparently.

We also strive to be a leader in the field of market making and to help build awareness of the essential value it creates in the financial industry. One of the ways we do this is by actively participating in industry alliances dedicated to championing – and preserving – the vital role of market makers. These include the (Dutch) Association of Proprietary Traders (APT), the FIA European Principal Traders Association (EPTA), the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG), and the Listed Options Market Structure Working Group (LOMSWG).

Never standing still

To continue to add value as a market maker, we must continually invest in our business – and particularly in our capabilities in pricing, trade execution, and risk management: three core competencies that enable IMC to provide liquidity across an ever-expanding range of products and markets.

Likewise, we remain committed to investing in our technology and people. These two key assets allow us to remain competitive and contribute to efficient financial markets – particularly important given the often-volatile trading environment witnessed over recent years.

By continuing to build our strong track record in this way, IMC can continue to help keep the financial markets liquid for many more years to come. As exemplified in our core values, at IMC we build for our future.

Want to learn more about what we do?

Market Making